The Annual Seminar

The Atlantic History Seminar, directed by Professor Bernard Bailyn, is based at Harvard University in connection with the Charles Warren Center for Studies in American History, and is a program funded by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

The aim of the Seminar, founded in 1995, is to advance the scholarship of young historians of many nations interested in the common, comparative, and interactive aspects of the lives of the peoples of the Atlantic world, transcending local and national boundaries and to help create an international community of scholars familiar with approaches, archives, and intellectual traditions different from their own.

From 1995-2010 the Atlantic History Seminar sponsored an annual meeting of young historians, recent recipients of the Ph.D. or its equivalent, or advanced doctoral students engaged in creative research on aspects of Atlantic History. In all, 366 young historians came through the Seminar program, 202 from universities in the U.S. and 164 from universities abroad.

The programs of each of the annual seminar meetings and summaries of all of the papers are available on the website. The full texts of the papers are kept by the Seminar but available only with the authors' consent.